Translation of the song 愛言葉Ⅲ artist DECO*27
Love Words III
想いの冒険を 忘れずに全部言えるかな
I wonder, if you could tell me the adventure of your feelings without forgetting a single detail
君から聞きたいよ 何回目の僕に出会った?
I want to hear more from you - how many times have we met now?
僕は変わりました 新しい君に出会うために
Just to meet the new 'you', I've also changed a bit
久しぶりだねって 言えたならここで泣こっか
It's been a while, Saying those words would make me cry there and then
好きとかって 嫌いとかって
I love you, I hate you
I'll sing songs of love again and again, to you whom I love
恋しくって 嘘じゃない本当だよ
It's no lie, it's true
So, let's meet again
僕ら“II”を嫌って “I”に戻って
We hate on the second and look back on the first*
何回だって 間違ってきたよ
Ah, just how many times have I made the mistake?
消えない後悔と 冷めない愛情が 恋を再起動する
These unfading regrets, with feelings that won't cool over, will restart our love
ほら“I”を嫌って また“II”に戻って
We hate on the first, and look back on the second once more
“III”になって 愛を繋いでいこう
Let's move to the third, and preserve this love
言いたい感情は 伝えたい正解は
The feelings I want to say to you, and the truths I want to convey to you
たったひとつだけ ありがとう
Are contained, in just a thank you.
想いの冒険は これからもちゃんと続いていく
The adventure of our feelings, will still continue from here on out
3と9に乗って 言葉とか飛び越えちゃって
Hop on a thank you*, and fly over those words
君も変わりました 新しい誰かに会うために
Just to meet the new 'them', you've also changed a bit
大人になりました それだけで良いと思えた
To become an adult, and that's great
好きとかって 嫌いとかって
I love you, I hate you
I'll sing songs of love again and again, to you whom I love
恋しくって 嘘じゃない本当だよ
It's no lie, it's true
So, let's meet again
“恋”をして …バカ。
I love you,... idiot.
“愛”にして …バカ。
Please love me,... idiot.
バカでいい この先もずっとこのまま
Even if you're an idiot, as long as we can stay like this, in this moment forever
僕ら“II”を嫌って “I”に戻って
We hate on the second and look back on the first*
何回だって 間違ってきたよ
Ah, just how many times have I made the mistake?
消えない後悔と 冷めない愛情が 恋を再起動する
These unfading regrets, with feelings that won't cool over, will restart our love
ほら“I”を嫌って また“II”に戻って
We hate on the first, and look back on the second once more
“III”になって 愛を繋いでいこう
Let's move to the third, and preserve this love
言いたい感情は 伝えたい正解は
The feelings I want to say to you, and the truths I want to convey to you
たったひとつだけ ありがとう
Are contained, in just a thank you.
メーデー 僕と判っても もう抱き締めなくて易々んだよ
[Mayday, even if you realise it's me, you don't need to hold me in your arms again
終わんない愛を抱いてたくないの もっとちゃんと不安にしてよ
I don't want to harbour a love that will never end, come on, properly fill me more with anxiety
妄想感傷代償連盟 愛を懐いて理想を号んだ
The Delusion Sentiment Compensation Federation embraced love and shouted out their ideals]*
Singing melodies of love that have a home
Thank you, for being here up till now
いつまでも君と 「こんな歌あったね」って
I hope that I'll be able to count
The number of times we meet, and sing this song