Translation of the song Benim Yüzümden artist Pinhani
Benim Yüzümden
Because of Me
Buralar doldu
It is full here
Kalkıp gitmek zor olmaz
It won't be hard to leave
Aradım buldum ama seni almadan gidilmez
I searched it and found it but I shouldn't leave without you
Kalkıp gitmek zor olmaz
It won't be hard to leave
Ama seni almadan gidilmez
But I shouldn't leave without you
Kalkıp gitmek zor olmaz
It won't be hard to leave
Ama seni almadan gidilmez
But I shouldn't leave without you
Beni hiç sorma
Don't you ever ask about me
Burada ortam toz duman
It's so entagled here
Sana anlatsam, çok zor olanları anlaman
If I tell you, it's so hard for you to understand what's happened
Burada ortam toz duman
It's so entagled here
Ama çok zor olanları anlaman
But it's so hard for you to understand what's happened
Burada ortam toz duman
It's so entagled here
Ama çok zor olanları anlaman
But it's so hard for you to understand what's happened
Yazdım, çizdim, yoruldum
I wrote, I drew, I got tired
Saydım, sövdüm, kovuldum
I cursed, I swore, I got fired
Varken hep yok sayıldım
I always treated as I wasn't there when I was there
Madem yoktum neden gün saydım?
Why did I count the days if I wasn't there?
Kediler azdı
The cats gone wild
Hepsi çıktı sözümden
They all stopped listening to me
Trafo yandı ama her şey benim yüzümden
Arc welder has burnt but everything is because of me
Kediler çıktı sözümden
The cats stopped listening to me
Ama her şey benim yüzümden
But everything is because of me
Kediler çıktı sözümden
The cats stopped listening to me
Ama her şey benim yüzümden
But everything is because of me
Yazdım, çizdim, yoruldum
I wrote, I drew, I got tired
Saydım, sövdüm, kovuldum
I cursed, I swore, I got fired
Varken hep yok sayıldım
I always treated as I wasn't there when I was there
Madem yoktum neden gün saydım?
Why did I count the days if I wasn't there?