Translation of the song 1988 artist BBHF



English translation


羽目をはずそうぜ 夜明けまで生き残る

Let's cut loose, survive until dawn breaks

死ぬことよりこわいことを 拳銃みたいに隠して

There are things worse than death, let's hide them like a pistol

そして病むまで飲め 愛そのもの何杯でも

And drink till we're sick, of love itself, however many glasses of it

聞こえるだろう 愛そのもの 喉を通り過ぎ

Don't you hear it? Love itself, as it goes down your throat

病むまで飲め 愛そのものを

Let's drink till we're sick, of love itself

ラベルの数字には意味はない 金縁の紫

The numbers on the label mean nohing, purple rimmed with gold



金がなくなっても しぼりだすものはある

Even out of money, there's still something to squeeze out of you

切り売りするんだ 人生を 拳銃を頭に向け

Sell it, sell your life away, put a pistol to your head

そして病むまで飲め 愛そのもの何杯でも

And drink till you're sick, of love itself, however many glasses of it

聞こえるだろう 愛そのもの 喉を通り過ぎ

Can't you hear it? Love itself, as it slides down your throat

病むまで飲め 愛そのものを

Let's drink till we're sick, of love itself

俺の言葉には意味はない 金縁の紫

My words don't mean anything, purple rimmed with gold



遅かれ早かれ 物事は変転していく

Sooner or later, everything changes


I'm not happy at all

よくもわるくも この国はうつ病じみているよ

For better or for worse, this country is falling into a depression

その数字には意味がない 僕らにはこない 必要もない

Those numbers mean nothing, it won't affect us, we don't need them



だけど愛があるだろう だれかが言う 何回でも

But there's love!, someone will say, over and over

ああ本当にありがとう 愛そのもの もっともってきて

Oh, thank you so much, bring me some of that love, more and more!

死ぬまで飲め 愛そのものを

Let's drink until we die, of love itself

瓶を壁に叩きつけて 粉々に砕いて 君にキスする

I throw the bottle against the wall, it breaks in pieces, and I kiss you

二日酔いによく似た 痛みを引き連れて

It feels like a hangover, as I drag along my pain

訪れる悪魔 人生を 拳銃みたいに引き抜け

A demon arrives, taking my life out like a gun

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