Translation of the song Hearts artist BBHF
I'm walking to go meet your heart
うまくいかない できの悪いステップのよう
But it's not going so well, like badly taken steps
どうかしている 自分でもそう思う
Something's wrong with me, even I think so
夜明けから逃げ 待ち続けている
I'm still waiting to run away at dawn
知っていたはずなのに できない事がある
I should've known, that there's things we can't do
あんなに上手く飛べたのに 今は座ったまま
Even though I flew so well, now I'm seated
Before we're unable to even breathe, come on, stand up
取り戻せる 僕らのペースを
We can get it back, our own pace.
君のハートに向かう ためのチケットを
A ticket meant to go meet your heart
目の前で破られ できの悪いプロットのよう
Was destroyed right in front of my eyes, like a badly written plot
どうにかしなきゃ 君もそう言うだろう
But we have to do something, even you'd say so
捨て身で飛び降りる 雪の降る街へ
At the risk of our lives we'll jump down, into the snowing city
わかっていたはずなのに 言えない事がある
I should've understood, that there are things we can't say
あんなに綺麗に包んでも 今は湿気った箱
But even if I pack them away so neatly, the box is now damp
Before we're unable to even breathe, let's chat about something
取り戻せる 僕らのペースを
We can get it back, our own pace...