Translation of the song N30E17 artist BBHF



English translation


この回転から抜け落ちた時 日常の真ん中 仕事を終えて

When I broke away from this rotation, in the middle of everyday, finishing my work

日照りと 嵐が交互に それでも走る 南へと

Draught and storm alternately, still I run, to the south

受け入れられない ことばかり 踊りを知らずに 演じていた

Only things I cannot accept, I was performing without knowing the dance

浮き沈む 正しさと間違い 僕の居場所は どこに

Rising and falling, rights and wrongs, where do I belong?

混乱し続け 壁を殴り 時間を費やし 答えを急く

Kept being confused I hit the wall, Spent time and rushed for the answer

僕の帰りを もう待たないで 責め立てないで ひきつけないで

Do not wait for my return anymore, Do not blame me; do not tempt me

氷の張った 暗闇の道をいく 君の涙でまた押し流されて

I go to the path of darkness formed of ice, Being washed away by your tears again

穴の空いた船を漕いでいた 君が乗る前に 必死になって

I was rowing a boat with holes, I was desperate before you got on it

夜明けを待たず 出発するよ お前を見捨てて 狂わぬように

I will not wait for the dawn and departure, In order to not go insane I abandon you

すべての負債を 後ろに乗せて 南へ下る 南へ下る 生きるために

Carrying all the burden in the back I will go south I will go south, to survive

正気を保つために 人は理性を選ぶんだ

To keep sanity, one chooses reason


I will bring back my humanity

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