Translation of the song Replicant artist BBHF



English translation


そんなに車を叩かないで ちょっと待ってて

Stop smacking the car so much, wait just a second


The computer's gone crazy

ネオンサイン ホテルのサイン 名前はどうせ嘘だろう

Those neon signs, hotel signs, their names are all fake anyways, right?

僕は泳げない でも本当は泳げるんだ

I say I can't swim, but actually I can.

愛の濁流 怒鳴り声 君の化粧箱 君の友達

Love is a muddy stream, screaming voices, your make-up case and your friends


They won't be reflected in the mirror


Can't be reflected

数ヶ月目 数えるのをやめた

I've stopped counting the number of months


You say I have a cold heart

(冷たい心臓 イラつく)

(A cold heart, it pisses me off)


But my expression doesn't change

(追いかけてきてよ 最後まで)

(Come chase me, till the end)


Because I feel nothing for what you're bargaining for.

ピンクの星 くだらない嘘

Pink stars, worthless lies

バグってるんだ とっくの前に

It's been bugging, since a while ago


It feels like the wrong line of code was cut out

そんなに車を叩かないで ちょっと待ってて コンピュータがいかれてる

Stop smacking the car so much, wait just a second, the computer's gone crazy

君のサイン 後出しの愛 答えはどうせ×だろ

The signals you give, a waiting game of love... the answer's going to be no anyway

あなたは泳げない いや本当は泳げるんだ

You can't swim, but actually I can*

風化する肌 耳に触る声 君の欲しいもの 僕の友達

My skin weathering away, your voice in my ears, the things you desire and my friends

鏡にも映ってた 抱えてた

Are reflected in the mirror, held under my arms

ピンクの星 凍りつく夜

Pink stars, a night frozen still

ラグってるんだ とっくの前に着るべきコートを間違ったって感じだ

It's lagging, feels like having on a wrong coat I should've worn a long time ago

ピンクの星 流れ着いた嘘

Pink stars, lies washed ashore

あがってるんだとっくの前に 引くべきゲームにこだわってたって だけだ

I'm getting out, I'm just obsessed with a game I should've quit a long time ago


Stop smacking the car so much


The computer's gone crazy

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