Translation of the song Siva artist BBHF



English translation


君のユーモアは 磨かれたダイヤモンド

Your humour is like a polished diamond

君の言葉は一つでも 1億通り

Even one word from you is worth a billion

その割に脆すぎる姿で 僕の上にのっかる

You with your unexpectedly fragile body get on top of me

身体を楽しげにシェイクして 電気を消して 触れ合う

delightfully shaking bodies, we turn off the lights and touch each other


You say:


Darkness itself is the truth, look at it and submit to it without being afraid


we should just try to feel it with our bodies

それでも眠りにつくとき 任せてはいけないあなたを

Yet when I am falling sleep, I can not leave it to you

魂の目を開け続け みつめ つづけ

Keeping my spiritual eyes open I just continue looking at you

なにも見えなくなるまで ただ闇をみつめて とらえて

till I can see nothing, I just watch intently at the darkness, perceive it

問題は山積み 忍び寄る闇の手と

There is a pile of problems, you surprise me

君は簡単に 握手して 僕は驚く

by shaking hands with the creeping darkness so simply


and yet you don't try to solve it

踊るだけ踊って また僕の腕に 戻ってくる

You dance as much as you want and come back to my arms

汗ばんだ君の身体に 僕はとっても弱くて

I have a weakness for your sweaty body

そのせいでおかしくなっている 魂の目は曇りなく

I am going crazy because of that, with my spiritual eye

みつめ続け 君はあらがうことの神様 トラブルをかき集めて

I continue looking at you clearly, you are the god of fighting, you gather up all the troubles


and with a serious face, you say :


Sadness itself it the truth, we should wear it without fearing it


we should enjoy it

私が眠りにつくとき 任せてるものなど何もない

when I am falling sleep, there is nothing I can entrust you with

心の戸を少し開けて さそい こんで

opening the door of heart a little, inviting you in

なにも見えなくなるまで ただ重ね合って 抱きあう

we just hug each other so tight till we can not see anything else


Darkness itself is the truth, look at it and submit to it without being afraid


we should just try to feel it with our bodies

それでも眠りにつくとき 任せてはいけないあなたを

Yet when I am falling sleep, I can not leave it to you...

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