Translation of the song Torch artist BBHF



English translation


開けっ放しのドアを 強く閉じる音で

A door left ajar, with the sound of its slamming

すべては崩れ 出口は塞がれ 君の涙で溺れるの待つ

Everything collapsed, the exit was blocked, I waited to be drowned in your tears

ふたりで取りあう光 踊りあう影を縫って 繋ぎ止めあって

We scrambled for the light, our dancing shadows weaving, fastening together

君の冷たさを知った 君の温かさを知った

I felt your coldness, I felt your warmth


We can still make it in time

あなたの体温を確かめる 諦めた違いを手を取り合って探る

I check your temperature. Abandoning the distance between us, we join hands, and explore


Where? Where? What shape is it?

肌と肌擦れ合ってる 心の音

My skin on your skin, chafing against each other, the sound of your heart

開けっ放しの窓辺 ふり積もる雪の音

Through the window left ajar, is the sound of snow falling and piling up

すべて癒され 元どおりになったと そう思うだけの時間を過ごし

Everything is healed, returning to before, and I spent my time thinking of just that

ふたりを映す鏡に 塗りたくる問いをぬぐって また見つめあって

In the mirror reflecting us, we wipe the heavily painted question, still staring at each other

君の横顔をみた 君の口の端をみた

I saw your face from the side, I saw the curve of your lips


And still I love you

あなたの限りを確かめる 揺り戻す痛みに手を取り合って触れていく

I’m testing your limits. In the tremoring pain, we clasp hands and touch


Where? Where? What shape is it?

肌と肌 擦れ合ってる 心の音

My skin on your skin, chafing against each other, the sound of your heart

君の荷物 僕の荷物 重荷を入れた段ボール

Your baggage, my baggage, we shove our burdens into a cardboard box

この場所で起こったことが 今更特別になって

What took place here, has finally become special

ここからは そう一人で歩かなきゃ

From here on, I have to walk alone


I live holding hands with the ending I’ve accepted

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