Translation of the song Ukraine artist BBHF



English translation


幼稚感の極み 認めることが出来まい

It's the height of childishness We won't ever admit it


Even if it twists and turns, the unchanging river struggles on ahead


And we just watched.

血管を通っていく 君の声 君の瞳が

Passing through blood vessels, your voice, and your eyes


Tearing through my body


As though it were poison, coagulating my blood

裏口のドアを叩く女 正面切って駆け寄る少女

A girl strikes the backdoor Throwing away her facade

屋根裏に横たえたショットガン 地下室の隅で腐った腕も

A shotgun was left in the attic A rotted arm too, in the corner of the basement


We're all swept up in the current

電話を壁に投げて 君の頬 髪 口に触れた

I threw the phone against the wall, touched your cheek, your hair, your lips

ソファーに飛び散るピンクを 隣の犬にでもあげてくれ

The pink scattered about the sofa, give it to the dog next door too

この町は明るすぎる 目が痛い 痛い ずっと

This town is too bright My eyes ache, they ache, all the time


I'm ready

家の明かりを全部消して ロウソクに火をつけ君と裸になる

Turn off all the lights in the house, light a candle, and I'll get undressed with you

あがりきっている 高山病にかかる

We've finished ascending Altitude sickness sets in

数キロ先の店の裏で バンドがバスから飛び出ていく

At the shop kilometers ahead, a band is jumping out of a bus

君の好きな曲はやらない 彼らはやらないよ

They won't play your favorite songs, not them

フロアは煙い 雑なライティング 飛び跳ねる君

The floor is smoky, the lighting rough, you're jumping up and down


Then on to a ballade

血管を通っていく 君の声 君の瞳が

Passing through blood vessels, your voice, your eyes


We're ready

家の明かりを全部消して ロウソクに火をつけ君と裸になる

Turn off all lights in the house, light a candle, and I'll get undressed with you

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