Translation of the song YoHoHiHo artist BBHF
ブランコから靴投げ 水たまりに落としたカード
Shoes thrown off from the swing, a card dropped in a puddle
盗まれたシール 誰がやったのか知ってても
A stolen sticker, even though I know who did it
Who cares, it's fine
ゆっくり過ぎてく時間の中 地球を歩く
Leisurely passing time, I tread the globe
花に囲まれた藪をおり 進み続けた ハロー
Picking through groves of flowers encircling me, I went on, hello!
生きるだけで全身が満ち足りてた 過去などなく 未来も見えず
I was happy just being alive, forgetting the past, not seeing future
それから君と友達になった 簡単だった
And then we became friends, how easy it was
そして今日も朝から 僕は仕事に向かう
Today too, in the morning I'll go to work
Yo Ho Hi Ho 怒鳴って
Yo Ho Hi Ho!, I shout
The complicated tangle of steel wires
Yo Ho Hi Ho 背負って
Yo Ho Hi Ho!, I carry them on my back
君と 君と 君との関係もあの頃に戻せたら
If I could go back to that time, my relationshp with you, you you
僕はベイビー 僕はベイビー
I'm a baby, I'm a baby
I probably wouldn't change anything
ひっきりなしに靴投げ 死をも恐れぬ無意識
I throw my shoes off constantly, I'm unaware of the fear of death
登り続けて 上から見回した違う景色
I continue to climb, the new scenery I see around me from up top
Takes my breath away
I hear the sound of a soda being popped open
君に会うため道をそれて 曲がりつづけた ハロー
To meet you, I swerve off my path, around the bend, hello!
笑うだけで心臓が飛び跳ねてた さぁ明日は何をしよう
My heart leaps with just your laugh, Oh what should I do tomorrow?
いつしか君と話せなくなった 悲しかった
And before I knew it, I could not longer talk to you, how sad
そして今日も朝から 僕は君と喧嘩して
And today too, from morning on, you and I fought
Yo Ho Hi Ho 言い合って
Yo Ho Hi Ho, we said to each other
The complicated tangle of diamond-made clasps
Yo Ho Hi Ho 砕いて
Yo Ho Hi Ho, I broke them
君に 君に 君に謝って面と向かって言わなくちゃ
I have to apologize, face-to-face, to you, you, you
僕はベイビー 僕はベイビー
I'm a baby, I'm a baby
Maybe it's time to change that