Translation of the song クレヨンミサイル artist BBHF



English translation

Crayon Missile

人は変わる 意図も変わる 最初から知ってる

People change, intentions change, we knew from the start

言葉は枯れ 仮説は霧 覆しつづける

Words wither away, foggy assumptions constantly overturned

手放せぬ毛布 無垢な処女みたいだ

You won't part with your blanket, you won't agree

受け入れず 蹴りもつけず 足を閉じていて

Like an innocent virgin, you closed your legs, not kicking your feet

夜の公園のアイボリータイル 落書きとしけた花火

At the park at night, its ivory tiles, scribbles and damp fireworks

クレヨン型のミサイルのてっぺんで かわされる愛撫

On top of the crayon-shaped missile, we caressed each other

さぁ もう 君は飛べる

Come on, you can fly

楽しいこと考えている 子供のままでいる

I'm thinking of fun things to do, as a child would

ほどに増してく快感のこと 知ってる 首を横に振り続け

I know something even better, but you keep shaking your head

恐れない 痛みを知らずにいるから

I'm not scared, because I know nothing of pain

君は変わり 意図も変わり 最初には戻れず

You change, your intentions too, but you can't go back to the start

言葉を切り 仮説をやめ 現実をみつめて

Your words cut off, assumptions halted, look only at the facts

買い換えた毛布 無垢な処女みたいだ

With a newly bought blanket, you're like an innocent virgin

受け入れて 蹴りをつけても 足は閉じていた

You agreed, even while kicking your feet, you kept your legs closed

夜の公園の棒立ちランプ 菓子箱と小人の靴下

By the lamp in the park at night, a candy box and children's shoes

クレヨン型のミサイルのてっぺんで 操縦している

On top of the crayon-shaped missile, we were flying*

さぁ もう 君は飛べる

Come on, you can fly

楽しいこと考えてる 子供のままでいる

I'm thinking of fun things to do, as a child would

ほどに増してく違和感のこと 知ってる 首を縦に振り続け

I know something even more uncomfortable, you just nod your head

恐れる 痛みを覚えているから

I'm afraid, because I remember the pain

夜の公園で話そうよ 楽しいこと思い出して

Let's go to the park at night and talk, remembering all the fun we had


With that crayon-shaped missile

さぁ ほら 君は飛べる

See, look, you can fly

楽しいこと考えてる 子供のままでいる

I'm thinking of fun things to do, as a child would


You were the very first of us to grow up

首を横に振り続け 泣いてた 泣いてた

Shaking your head all the while, crying, and crying.

さぁ もう 君は飛べる

Come on, you can fly

楽しいこと考えてる 子供のままでいる

We're thinking of something fun to do, as children would

ほどに増してく快感のこと 教えて 誰にも言わずにいるから

Tell me what feels even better, because you won't tell anyone else

さぁ もう 君は飛べる

Come on, you can fly

楽しいこと 考えてる

We're thinking of fun things to do

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