Translation of the song ライカ artist BBHF



English translation


弱みは見せるまい うだつの上がらない日々 そのもの

You won’t ever show your weakness, even when the days don’t seem to be getting better. In the same way,

君は涙を飲みすぎてる 重たくなってる瞼

You’re drinking in too much tears, while your eyelids get heavier

自尊心 その他 落とさぬように見開いて

It’s either pride, or something else. Open your eyes wide, so they don’t drop further.

曖昧にしよう この線と線を

Let’s blur them, these two lines


If every night we are reborn

何一つないよ 何も残さない

Not a thing will be left, nothing will remain of us


We’ll go with these fetters on our feet

この戦いの意味は? 答えの出ない毎日 それでも

What’s the meaning of this fight? Every day, you won’t answer, and yet

君の涙の中で泳ぐ 近づいてるって わかる

Swimming through your tears, I know we’re getting closer to one

動機 後悔 混ざらぬように背負いこんで

Motivation, and regret. Let’s take care not to confuse the two

曖昧にしよう 地上の線の上

Let’s blur things, above the line of the earth


When we fly, and climb over every step

何一つないよ 支えるものもない

There’ll be nothing around, nothing to support us


But even as we’re thrown off balance


Let’s keep going

操縦桿をへし折った コントロールできないよ

The joystick was smashed, I can’t control it


But let’s keep staring miles ahead


Every night, I’m reborn


So instead of thinking about it, I’ll head toward my new self

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