Translation of the song リビドー artist BBHF
そう 言うならばリビドー 持ち合わせた性を
So this is Libido. I have a seat of this game
飼い慣らして ゲームの席に座る
while taming libido I have with myself.
君からの電話を 聞いた後のメッセージ 終わったはずの チャンスだった
A message after hearing from your phone call.It was a chance that was seemed to end.
君との待ち合わせに 遅れたのは迷いがあったから
Because of hesitation, I was late for our rendezvous.
アクシデント 予約の店がいっぱい スマホを2人していじる
Accident: reservated restaurant was fully booked. We search another one by smart phone.
君が言うなら黄色 まずは店に入ろう
The yellow if you say so. Let's get in the restaurant at first.
何を飲もうかな 目配せをして確かめ合う
What shall we drink? We assure each other by exchanging winks.
君が言うなら黄色 まずは乾杯しようよ
The yellow if you say so. Let's make a toast at first.
何を言うべきか 舌がもつれる寸前でも
What should I say on the verge of tangling tongue.
Just talk! talk...(Stare at each other)
Just talk! talk...(Don't be quiet)
君が言わない青は 大いなる価値そのもの
The blue you don't say is grate value itself.
何を飲もうかな 目配せをして
What shall we drink? We exchange winks.
そう 詰め寄るだけでは お互い分からず 突き放して 限界を探り合って
We don't know each other by only drawing closer.Leaving each other and probing our limit.
A message after drawing your card.
Just be frustrated it should haven't been like this.
うんざり そんな風に 駆け引きするの好きじゃないんだ
Fed up.I don't like using diplomacy like this.
いつだって 君の話題で一杯 スマホを膝の上でいじる
Always full of your topic. I watch my smart phone on my lap.
君が言うなら黄色 席を外れ数分
The yellow if you say so. A few minutes past you are away from your seat.
鏡の中へと 目配せをして確かめ合う
Into the mirror we assure each other by exchanging winks.
君が言うならいいよ まずは乾杯しようよ
It's ok if you say so. Let's make a toast at first.
分かり合えるか 足がもつれる寸前でも
Can we understand each other on the verge of tangling legs?
Just talk!talk...(Face each other)
Just talk!talk...(One step back)
君が知らない色は 僕だけの価値そのもの
The color you don't know is the value itself just for me.
何を飲もうかな 目配せをして
What shall I drink? I wink at you.
The blue you don't say is...
The color you don't know is...