Translation of the song 流氷 artist BBHF
Ice Floe
氷の上にいる 安物の アイスキャンディー
The cheap ice candy on top of the ice
急速に消える それは興味 僕らへの興味
which disappeared quickly, was interest, interest in us
節くれた木々に 押し潰されて
Crushed by knotty trees
利己的な愛情 押し付けられて
Being forced by selfish love
もう教え込まれた クソ我慢も 限界なんだ
My well grounded damn patience has already reached its limits
手に触れて 手に触れて 手に触れて
Feel it with hands, feel it with hands, feel it with hands
気が触れる 寸前の一瞬 僕らの目はお互いをみる
Our eyes meet the moment before we lost our minds
ひとりで頭を抱えないで お互いをみて
Don't be stressed alone, look at one another
僕らをみて 僕に触れて 僕らをみて君に触れて
Look at us, feel me, look at us and feel yourself
観測し続けていて 目を開け続けていて
Keep observing, keep your eyes open
僕をみて 僕らをみて 着地させてくれ
Look at me, look at us, let me be grounded
Let me stay here
一度きりのタッチ 使わないアプリを
Apps that I merely touched once and don't use
まとめて消し去る それは快楽 捨て去ることへの
I deleted them all, that is the pleasure of getting rid of things
君が消える 寸前の一瞬 僕らの目は光をみる
We saw the light the moment before you disappeared
それでもあなたは壊れないで 俺の目をみて
Even still, please don't break apart, look at me
そうだよみて 君に触れて 僕らをみて君に触れて
That's right look, feel yourself, look at us and feel yourself
観測し続けていて 目を開け続けていて
Keep observing, keep your eyes open
僕をみて 僕らをみて 俺にさせてくれ
Look at me, look at us, let me do it
Let me stay with you
氷の上にいる それは興味 僕らへの興味
On the top of ice was interest, interest in us