Translation of the song 涙の階段 artist BBHF



English translation

Tearful Steps

また間違い 遠ざかる 7通りの通路で横になる

I've made a blunder again, farther away; I'm lying on the 7th road

恐らく今日も あなたを泣かせ 自分を疑って

Never doubt I've made you cry today; it's me to blame

みつめて 喋って 謝って

I looked at you, chatted and said I was sorry

諦め 黙って またみつめ

I then gave up, kept silent and looked at you again


Despite all this, still I'm here


Because I really want to

あなたの涙で 作られた透明の 階段を登る

I'll go up the transparent steps made of your tear

屈折して反射を くりかえしていく

Over repeated reflection and refraction

心の扉を 眼差しで二度 ノックする

I'll take a look at my heart's door and knock on it twice

トラウマの間を すり抜けて

Thread my way through interposed trauma


Straight down a pure-white passage

風を切り 陽の落ちる ハイウェイ

On the highway the wind cuts through


The highway where the sun sinks down

砕け散ったガラスみたいに 無駄にキラキラして

Shines ever so brightly like shattered glass

止まって 喋って 道を変えて

I stopped, chatted and turned to another route

思いつき 黙って 考え込む

Brainstormed, kept silent and lost myself in thought


Through all this, I'm here


You know I want to

あなたの涙で 作られた透明の 階段を登る

I'll go up the transparent steps made of your tear

屈折して反射を くりかえしていく

Over repeated reflection and refraction

心の扉を 眼差しで二度 ノックする

I'll take a look at my heart's door and knock on it twice

トラウマの間を すり抜けて

Thread my way through interposed trauma


Straight down a pure-white passage

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