Translation of the song 骨の音 artist BBHF



English translation

Sound of Bones

失った腕が今も痛む 這いずり回って君を見つけた

The arm I lost still hurts, I found you crawling and turning about

太陽が海に落ちるのを見た もう何も見なくていい

I saw the sun fall into the ocean, I'm fine with never seeing again

それからはずっと 朝がくることはなく

From now on, and forever, the morning will never come


I looked only at your eyes

愛の weight on 瞼 4 掛けても割れない

Even with the weight of love on our 4 eyelids, they won't break

もう忘れないと言って ねぇ僕のそばにいて

C'mon, say you won't forget Hey, stay by my side

雨を降らせて 井戸を満たしても

Make the rain fall, even if it fills the well


My voice is completely dried out

蒸発していく そして地にまた戻る

Let's disappear without explanation, and return to the earth


A drowsiness after deeds done with you

愛の weight on 瞼 4 掛けても割れない

Even with the weight of love on our 4 eyelids, they won't break

もう忘れないと言って ねぇ僕のそばにいて

C'mon, say you won't forget Hey, stay by my side

失った腕が今も痛む これは治せない 代わりもいらない

The arm I lost still hurts, it won't heal, I don't need a replacement

太陽が海に落ち着くのを見た すべての重みを乗せ

I saw the sun settle down into the ocean, I'll take on all the weight


There's a death that saves


In order for us to be reborn


Let's throw ourselves into the scorching heat

愛の weight on 瞼 落として ねぇ僕は愛せるよ

Drop the weight of love on my eyelids, Hey, I can love you

君の身体の重みに軋んでいる 腕の骨の音を聞かせて

Creaking with your body's weight, let me hear the sound of bones in your arm

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