Translation of the song Anita artist Doris Dragović



English translation


Gledaš ga nježno

You look gently at him

cijeli svijet je tvoj

The whole world is yours

sve to sam prošla

I have been there

jer je jednom bio moj

because once he was mine

Znam da si sretna

I know you are happy

i ne čuješ me

and you do not hear me

ne, nisam ljubomorna

No, I am not jealous

plačem zbog tebe

I cry for you

Moram ti reći

I have to tell you

budi se iz sna

wake up from your dream

gledaš ga izgubljeno

You look at him like lost

kao nekad ja

Like I used to

On ne daje ništa

He doesn't give anything

a uzima sve

and takes everything

na kraju samo ti

In the end, you will be

praznina ostaje

left only with the emptiness


Ref. 2x

Anita, nije on tvoj

Anita, he is not yours,

on će uvijek biti samo svoj

He will always belong to himself

Anita, shvatit ćeš sve

Anita, you'll understand everything

Al' će biti kasno za tebe

But it will be late for you

i za mene, Anita

and for me, Anita.


Ref. 2x

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