Translation of the song Baklje Ivanjske artist Doris Dragović
Baklje Ivanjske
Midsummer Day Torches
Ugaslo je nebo, svjetlo oka mog..
The sky extinguished, the light of my eye...
Sva sam za te gorjela kao baklja Ivanjska.
I wholly burned for you as a Midsummer Day torch.
Ispružene ruke -prazne ostale...
Hands reaching out - they stayed empty...
Ispružene ruke, samo na te čekale, strepile...
Hands reaching out, waited only for you, dreaded...
Mislio sam da ću biti hrabar ja
I thought I'll be brave
K'o oluja ponosna, k'o oluja pobjedonosna!
Like a proud storm, like a winning storm!
I zadrhtao sam sto put'
And I trembled a hundred times,
sto put' zbog tebe,
A hundred times because of you,
Al' izdržao sam sve
But I went through it all,
divlje more i ponore, zbog tebe...
Wild seas and abysses, because of you...
I ne pomisli na mene
Don't even think of me
Kad te stignu uspomene...
When the memories catch up with you...
I ne trudi se da znaš
Don't even try to know
Gdje i s kim sam sad.
Where and whom with I am now.
Ne raspituj se za mene,
Don't ask around about me,
Sad je neko drugo vrijeme,
It's a different time now,
Davno sam za ljubav ja izgorjela/izgorio ja
It was long time ago when I burned down for love
Kao baklja Ivanjska!
Like a Midsummer Day torch!
Ispružene ruke -prazne ostale...
Hands reaching out - they stayed empty...
Ispružene ruke, samo na te čekale, strepile...
Hands reaching out, waited only for you, dreaded...
I zadrhtao sam sto put'
And I trembled a hundred times,
sto put' zbog tebe,
A hundred times because of you,
Al' izdržao sam sve
But I went through it all,
divlje more i ponore, zbog tebe...
Wild seas and abysses, because of you...
(Pripjev x2)
(Chorus x2)