Translation of the song Brod za nabolje artist Doris Dragović

Croatian, Croatian (Chakavian dialect)

Brod za nabolje

English translation

The Ship Traveling to a Better Place

Sve mi riči tiho tonu

All my words quietly sink

U vodu ladnu, duboku,

Into the cold, deep water

Di ponos moj već dugo vodi povorku...

Where my pride is leading a procession for a long time now

Kasno razum diže ruku

Reason raises it's hand too late

Na glupost već rasplamsalu

When it comes to an already burning stupidity

I moji dvori prazni ostaju...

And my quarters remain empty...

Nisi zna ginit za mene,

You didn't know how to give life for me,

Nisi zna živit udvoje...

You didn't know how to live as a couple..

Pa je mrak na sve šta moje je

Darkness fell over everything belonging to me

I pobiga je brod,

And the ship got away,

Brod za nabolje...

The ship traveling to a better place...

Nikad nisu ka i tvoje

Stranger's eyes never looked at me

Tuđe oči mene gledale

Like yours did

I planine za taj pogled bi se spustile...

Mountains would go down for such a glance...

Al' lipost nekad sklopi oči

But beauty sometimes closes its eyes

Kad duša vrata otvori

When the soul opens its doors

I ljubav samo odleti...

And love just flies away...

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