Translation of the song Da si tu artist Doris Dragović
Da si tu
If You Had Been Here
Noćas sam ti kao srna gonjena
Tonight I feel like hunted doe
kao rijeka koja teče nikuda
Like a river that flows to nowhere
noćas trebam tebe da me povedeš
Tonight I need you to take me
kroz san, kroz dan
through the dream, through the day
Zadnja godina ko ruža uvela
The last year is like a withered rose
bezbroj trnja, al' i cvijeta slomljena
so many thorns and with the broken flower
s tvojim likom što me prati posvuda
With the face of yours that follows me everywhere
kroz san, kroz dan
throughout the dream, throughout the day
Miris tvoj još i danas osjećam
I feel your scent even today
kada nebo proplače
when the sky burst into the tears
i zemlja je mokra
and the soil is wet
rukama preko prazne postelje
I look for the part of happiness that you took away
tražim dio sreće što si odnio
with my hands over the empty bed
Da si tu
If you had been here
pa da pjesmom se budim
so I could awake by the song
snene oči ti ljubim
to kiss your dreamy eyes
i na grudi te privijem
and to hold you in my arms
Da si tu
If you had been here
osmijeh da mi se vrati
to return the smile on my face
pa da poletim ja
and to make me fly
kao ptica slobodna
like a free bird
ka zagrljaju tvom
toward your arms
da si tu
If you had been here