Translation of the song Dajem ti srce artist Doris Dragović
Dajem ti srce
I give you my heart
Pjevat ću ti pjesmu
I'll sing a song for you
zemljo moja
my land
Ova će ti pjesma reći sve
This song will tell you everything
Rodila sam tebi sina
I gave birth to your son
isto ko što od davnina
Just like since the old times
rađale su majke za tebe
All the other mothers did for you
Reći ću mu jednom kad poraste
Once he grows up I'll tell him
To je tvoja zemlja i tvoj dom
This is your country and your home
Modro more, maslinici
Blue sea, olive groves
zlatno klasje u ravnici
Golden wheat in the valley
bit će uvijek tu u oku tvom
will always be in your eyes
Dajem ti srce, zemljo moja
I give you my heart, land of mine
i bit ću s tobom
And I'll be with you
u dobru i u zlu
In good and bad times
i nema sile da mi te uzme
and no force will ever take you away from me
Ja bit ću s tobom, ostat ću tu
I'll be with you, I'll stay here
Dajem ti život, zemljo moja
I give you my life, land of mine
i bit ću s tobom
And I'll be with you
u dobru i u zlu
In good and bad times
Podijelit s tobom sreću i tugu
I'll share with you happiness and sadness
Bog neka čuva moju Hrvatsku
May God protect my Croatia
Usne moje krunicu dok mole
While I pray the rosary
naši stari odlaze na put
Our old men are leaving
Dok sa crkve zvona zvone
While church bells are ringing
igraju se djeca nova
new children are playing
što za nama ostati će tu...
Those that will remain here after us...
Dajem ti srce...
I give you my heart...