Translation of the song Hej Jugosloveni artist Doris Dragović
Hej Jugosloveni
Hey Yugoslavians
Niko ne smije u tebe da dirne
Nobody can touch you
zemljo moja najdraža na svijetu
my country, dearest in the world
međe tvoje da ostanu mirne
your borders to remain peaceful
k'o sokoli bit ćemo u letu
we will fly like hawks
Ref. 2x
Ref. 2x
Hej, Jugosloveni
Hey Yugoslavians
nek' se čuje glas
may the voice be heard
mi smo slični stijeni
we are like a stone
jer bratstvo spaja nas
because brotherhood is connecting us
Niko ne smije tebe da razdvaja
Nobody can separate you
plavo more mačem se ne siječe
blue sea can't be cut with knife
krv junaka odavno nas spaja
heroes blood is connecting us since long ago
i niko nas pokoriti neće
and nobody will conquer us
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Dočekati navikli smo davno
We've, long ago, got used to greeting
prijatelja, a i mrskog vraga
a friend, as well as a sea devil
mi živimo i ginemo slavno
we live and die in fame
sve za tebe zemljo moja draga
all for you my dear country
Ref. 3x
Chorus 3x