Translation of the song I da mi zrak zabrane artist Doris Dragović


I da mi zrak zabrane

English translation

and even if they forbid me air

Ljubav mi je došla iz daleka

love came to me from afar

zalupila vrata za sobom

shut the door behind it

prekrižila što je do tad bilo

crossed out everything from the past

i vezala mi dušu sa tobom

and tied my soul to you

Donio si meni svjetla dana

you brought me the light of day

i sve dobro došlo za nama

and everything good came with us

poslalo te nebo zato

the sky sent you so

da mi kažeš ženo zlato

you could tell me woman, dear,

ti si samo za me rođena

you were born for me



I da mi zrak zabrane

and even if they forbid me air

samo da tebe meni ostave

so long as they let me have you

s tobom ću umrijeti

I will die with you

zauvijek sama ostati

I'll stay alone forever

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