Translation of the song Ima nešto u tome artist Doris Dragović


Ima nešto u tome

English translation

There's Something In It

Da se volimo k'o ljudi

Let us love like people

Ništa lakše, ništa teže

Nothing easier, nothing harder

Sve nas veže samo to

We're all tied together by

Da se čovjek pogubi

That one loses oneself

Onda kad ne ljubi.

When he doesn't love

Da se nađemo k'o ljudi

Let us find one another like people

Riječi malo da se druže

Words should spend some together some time

Gdje je dobar običaj

Where the customs are good

Da se uzvrati

To return

Jedno drugome

To one another

Onaj pravi osjećaj.

That right feeling

Ima nešto u tome,

There's something in

Kad se volimo, odmah bolji smo

Loving each other makes us better

Ima nešto u tome

There's something in

Kako pogled tvoj leži na mome

Your gaze resting on mine

Dali nebo pticama

Give the sky to birds

Dali zemlju ljudima

Give the earth to people

I samo ljubav da se sjete

And all the love so they remember

Da lete, da lete

To fly, to fly

Da stane srce, malo treba

Takes little to stop a heart

Stane zemlja, stane vjetar

Earth stops, the wind stops

Stane kad te ugledam

Stops when I see you

Stane kad nema

Stops when there's nothing

Vječnost diže šator svoj

Eternity raises its tent

Za one koje volimo.

For the ones we love

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