Translation of the song Ni riči artist Doris Dragović

Croatian (Chakavian dialect)

Ni riči

English translation

Not Even a Word

Kad se svo to vrime istopi

When all that time melts down

ka i hostija pod jezikom

Like sacramental bread under the tongue

kad mi samo ura ostane

When I am left with only one more hour

pomirena bit ću sa sobom

I will be in peace with myself

Prvi koraci su najteži

First steps are the hardest

posli idu sami od sebe

Later they just go

s kamenjen i s cvićen isto je

It is the same whether with stones or flowers

naučiš se odat s oboje

You learn how to walk with both



Ni riči nikome ne dugujem

I don't owe anyone not even a word

i u svit čista srca putujem

And I travel to the world with a pure heart

i na kraju, sve to šta nam ostane su

And at the end, all we are left with are

lipe godine

Beautiful years



Ni riči nikome ne dugujem

I don't owe anyone not even a word

i mirna svaku uru svetkujem

And I calmly celebrate every hour

sada znam da sve šta triba samo je

I know now that all we need is just

gutljaj duše i kap vode

A sip of a soul and a drop of water

razumim sve, ali ne razumim jude

I understand everything but I don't understand people

Prvi koraci su najteži

First steps are the hardest

posli idu sami od sebe

Later they just go

s kamenjen i s cvićen isto je

It is the same whether with stones or flowers

naučiš se odat s oboje

You learn how to walk with both



Ni riči nikome ne dugujem

I don't owe anyone not even a word

i u svit čista srca putujem

And I travel to the world with a pure heart

i na kraju, sve to šta nam ostane su

And at the end, all we are left with are

lipe godine

Beautiful years



Ni riči nikome ne dugujem

I don't owe anyone not even a word

i mirna svaku uru svetkujem

And I calmly celebrate every hour

sada znam da sve šta triba samo je

I know now that all we need is just

gutljaj duše i kap vode

A sip of a soul and a drop of water

razumim sve, ali ne razumim jude

I understand everything but I don't understand people

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