Translation of the song Oprosti artist Doris Dragović
Ljubio me jedan čovjek
A man has kissed me
najdraži mi postao
he became the most dear to me
ljubio me plavi leptir
a blue butterfly kissed me
u kosi mi ostao
and has remained in my hair
Nesretno je srce moje
My heart is unhappy
što ga još očekuje
because it's still waiting for him
proplakaše crne oči
my black eyes started to cry
ali on me ne čuje
but he doesn't hear me
Oprosti što sam ti život svoj dala
Sorry that I gave my life away to you
a naša zvijezda je pala
and our star has fallen
tu na dlanu je mom
here, on my palm
oprosti što sam ti svoju mladost dala
sorry that I gave my youth away to you
sa neba suza je pala
a tear has dropped from the sky
takva je sudbina
that's how destiny is
bez tebe ko da sam sama na svijetu
it's like I'm alone in the world without you
oprosti što sam te voljela ja
sorry that I loved you
Ljubio me plavi leptir
A blue butterfly kissed me
leptir koji nestaje
a butterfly that disappears
proplakaše crne oči
my black eyes started to cry
ali on me ne čuje
but he doesn't hear me