Translation of the song Ove noći jedna žena artist Doris Dragović


Ove noći jedna žena

English translation

Tonight, one woman

Da sam čuvala sve suze potekle

If i kept all my running tears

moje oči bi u rijeku gledale

my eyes would be looking at a river

da sam čuvala sve suze potekle

if i kept all my running tears

suze što su zbog tebe padale

tears that fell because of you

Da sam čuvala sve ruže uvele

If i kept all the dead roses

moje oči bi u jesen gledale

my eyes would be looking at autumn

da sam čuvala sve ruže uvele

if i kept all the dead roses

ruže što su za tebe cvijetale

roses that bloomed for you

I sad, ja koja sam te čekala

And now, I, the one who waited for you

i sad, ja ne znam kud bi krenula

and now, i don't know where to go



Ove noći jedna žena

Tonight, one woman

bijele ruke sklopila

closed her pale hands

ne zna gdje je sreća njena

doesn't know where her luck is

ne zna kud je otišla

doesn't know where it went

Ove noći jedna žena

Tonight, one woman

jedna ruža uvela

one dead rose

zna da nikad neće doći

knows he will never come

onaj kog' je ona čekala

the one she had been waiting for

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