Translation of the song Šta će mi sve kad nema tebe artist Doris Dragović
Šta će mi sve kad nema tebe
I Don't Need Anything Without You
Sjećam se, sjećam onoga jutra
I remember, remember that morning
posljednja zraka u oku tvom
the last ray in your eye
umorne riječi i stisak ruke
a weary word and the grip of your hand
i duša k' nebu je pošla....
and the soul was on its way to heaven...
sama sam sama sa svojom tugom
I am alone, alone with all my mourning
utjehe nema od suza i kiše
there is nothing to comfort me from tears and rain
borim se hrabro
I struggle bravely
a hoću za tobom
and I want to follow you
jer znam da nema te više...
because I know you are gone...
šta će mi sve kad nema tebe?
I don't need anything without you
tužan je svaki moj dan
every day of mine is sad
dala bih život
I would give my life
dala bih sebe
I would give myself
samo za tvoj još jedan dan
for you to live one more day
šta će mi sve kad nema tebe?
I don't need anything without you
tužan je svaki moj dan
every day of mine is sad
dala bih život
I would give my life
dala bih sebe
I would give myself
samo za tvoj još jedan dan
for you to live one more day