Translation of the song Ti artist Doris Dragović
Cijeli sam život sanjala da ću jednom
I dreamt my whole life that I will one day
imat nekog kao što si ti,
Have someone like you,
da ću mu dati jabuku što je grizu
That I will give him the apple bitten
moje usne pune ljubavi
By my lips full of love
Sada znam da sam jedina na svijetu
Now I know I am the only one in the world
sišla na planetu
Who stepped down on the planet
što se tobom zove
With your name on it
Otvorih oči, vidjeh da neću moći
I opened my eyes, I saw I wouldn't be able
bez tebe ni jedan korak ja
To make one step without you
radosti moja, sve što sam imala i imam
My joy, all I had and all I have
u tebi mi počiva
Rests in you
Sada znam da sam jedina na svijetu
Now I know I am the only one in the world
sišla na planetu
Who stepped down on the planet
što se tobom zove
With your name on it
Da te oko ne vidi, da te srce ne sluša
If my eye wouldn't look at you, if my heart wouldn't listen to you
Gdje bi bila mi duša?
Where would my soul be?
Da uz mene nisi ti, moja rana jeseni,
If you weren't with me, my early fall,
Mlado vino ljubavi,
Young vine of love
Gdje bi bila mi duša?
Where would my soul be?
Da uz mene nisi ti...
If you weren't next to me...
Cijeli sam život sanjala da ću jednom
I dreamt my whole life that I will one day
imat nekog kao što si ti,
Have someone like you,
da ću mu dati jabuku što je grizu
That I will give him the apple bitten
moje usne pune ljubavi
By my lips full of love
Sada znam da sam jedina na svijetu
Now I know I am the only one in the world
sišla na planetu
Who stepped down on the planet
što se tobom zove
With your name on it
Da te oko ne vidi, da te srce ne sluša
If my eye wouldn't look at you, if my heart wouldn't listen to you
Gdje bi bila mi duša?
Where would my soul be?
Da uz mene nisi ti
If you weren't next to me...