Translation of the song Željo moja artist Doris Dragović
Željo moja
My Wish
Voljela sam te i još te volim
I loved you and I still love you
Dajem iskreno sve
I'm honestly giving everything
Noć je ova crna bez tebe
This night is black without you
Ako ima sreće vratit ćeš se,
If I'm fortunate you will return
Moja kazna, moj grijeh
My punishment, my sin
Tiho, tiho suzo, ne daj se
Quietly, quietly tear, dont give in
Refren (Chorus)
Željo moja, tugo moja
My wish, my sadness
Još sam tvoja, još si moj
I am still yours, you are still mine
Sve! Sve me boli od tebe,
Everything, everything is hurting (in the body) because of you
Željo moja, tugo moja
My wish, my sadness
Ako ima sreće vratit ćeš se
If I'm fortunate you will return
Moja kazna, moj grijeh
My punishment, my sin
Tiho, tiho suzo, ne daj se
Quietly, quietly tear, dont give in
Refren (Chorus)
Sve! Sve me boli od tebe,
Everything, everything is hurting (in the body) because of you
Željo moja, tugo moja
My wish, my sadness