Translation of the song Zemlja i stina artist Doris Dragović
Zemlja i stina
Soil and Rock
Nisu me takle riči
I was not touched by the words
Šta mržnja ih izmisli
Made up by hate
Nisu me takle ni bisne kiše
I was also not touched by raging rains
Riči bez ljubavi
Words without love
Rekli smo lakše bit će
We said it will get easier
Da svako nađe svoj mir
For each of us to find their peace
Ma šta sa drugim ja trudim se više,
Oh, the more I try with someone else
Više mi fališ ti
The more I miss you
Dok drugog ljubim, fališ mi ti
While I kiss another, I miss you
Sad sebi sudim bez milosti
Now I judge myself without mercy
Da čovik ima tisuću žena
Even if a man had thousand women
Ne može pobić od uspomena
He cannot run away from memories
Samo jednu uvik nosiš dublje u srcu
There is only one you carry a bit deeper in your heart
I kad si zemlja, oćeš bit stina
And when you are soil, you want to be a rock
Oš ostat ladan, al uvik se prima
You wish to stay cold, but it always affects
Samo ne znaš, joli sriću, joli nevoju
You just don't recognize it, fortune or misfortune
Na moju nesriću
Bad luck for me
Rekli smo lakše bit će
We said it will get easier
Da svako nađe svoj mir
For each of us to find their peace
Ma šta sa drugim ja trudim se više
Oh, the more I try with someone else
Više mi fališ ti
The more I miss you
Dok drugog ljubim fališ mi ti
While I kiss another, I miss you
Sad sebi sudim bez milosti
Now I judge myself without mercy
I kad si zemlja oćeš bit stina
And when you are soil, you want to be a rock
Oš ostat ladan al uvik se prima
You wish to stay cold, but it always affects
Samo ne znaš oli sriću oli nevoju
You just don't recognize it, fortune or misfortune
Na moju nesriću
Bad luck for me
Ladna si stina, a zemlja sam ja
You are a cold rock and I am soil
Prašina gnjila bez tvog dodira
Rotten dust without your touch
Ladna si stina, a zemlja sam ja
You are a cold rock and I am soil
Prašina gnjila bez tvog dodira
Rotten dust without your touch
Ladna si stina, a zemlja sam ja
You are a cold rock and I am soil
Prašina gnjila bez tvog dodira
Rotten dust without your touch