Translation of the song Žute ruže artist Doris Dragović
Žute ruže
Pomislis li nekad na mene
Do you ever think of me;
kad ugledas iste oci
When you see,eyes like mine(?)...
koga ljubis ovih dana
Who do you this kiss these days,
uzivas li u samoci
enjoying the solitude(?)
Pomislis li nekad na mene
Do you thing ever of me(?)
stare vatre nisu zgasle
Old fires havent,burned out jet.
cuvam za te zute ruze
I keep jellow roses for you...
na mom srcu su izrasle
they grey on my heart.
Zute ruze, zute ruze
*Jellow roses,jellow roses;*
kazu ti sve
*tell you everything...*
dok se smijeh i suze bore
*While laughter struggles with tears;*
ne cujes me
*you cant hear me...*
Zute ruze, zute ruze
*Jellow roses,jellow roses;*
jos mirisu
*still smell like...*
sve sto imam, sve je tvoje
*They once did,everything,I have is yours;*
a ruze stoje na srcu
*but roses stay on my heart.*
Pomislis li nekad na mene
Do you ever think of me;
kada vidis zaljubljene
when you see a couple in love.
sjetis li se nasih noci
Do you think of our nights;
ili su zaboravljene
or they are forgotten.