Translation of the song Deux colombes artist Dalida

French, Italian

Deux colombes

English translation

Two Doves

Pareil à des colombes que le désir appelle,

Like doves beckoned by desire,

et qui s'en vont hautes les ailes,

and who soar high with their wings,

et déployées vers la douceur du nid

and spread them out towards the sweet nest

à travers l'espace par leur vouloir porter

through the air, carried by volition,

ainsi que le chantait le poète dans sa Divine Comédie.

as the poet wrote in his Divine Comedy.

Quali colombe dal disio chiamate,

Like doves, beckoned by desire,

con l’ali alzate e ferme al dolce nido

with soaring and steady wings to the sweet nest

vegnon per l’aere, dal voler portate—

fly through the air, carried by their volition—

quali colombe dal disio chiamate.

like doves, beckoned by desire.

Ainsi nos âmes, peut-être un jour

So our souls, perhaps one day

s'en iront-elles deux par deux à l'infini

will soar out two by two towards infinity

dans l'espace et le temps, divinement réunies

through space and time, divinely united,

comme jamais nous ne le fûmes sur terre.

as they never before were on earth.

Quali colombe dal disio chiamate,

Like doves, beckoned by desire,

con l’ali alzate e ferme al dolce nido

with soaring and steady wings to the sweet nest

vegnon per l’aere, dal voler portate—

fly through the air, carried by their volition—

quali colombe dal disio chiamate.

like doves, beckoned by desire.

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