Translation of the song Gigi el amoroso artist Dalida

Spanish, Italian

Gigi el amoroso

English translation

Gigi l'amoroso

Ya llega Gigi l'amoroso,

Here comes Gigi l'amoroso,

por donde va con su mirar hace caricias

wherever he goes gives caresses with his look

Gigi l'amoroso,

Gigi l'amoroso,

conquistador y seductor repartiendo delicias

womanizer and seducer sharing delights

es fiesta cada vez que canta él:

It's a party whenever he sings:

Zazar, Luna caprese, O sole mio.

Zazà, Luna Caprese, O' sole mio

Ya llega Gigi l'amoroso...

Here comes Gigi l'amoroso...

Gigi Giuseppe, pero todo el mundo le llamaba Gigi el cariñoso

Gigi Giuseppe, but all the people called him Gigi the lovely.

traía locas a las mujeres, a todas:

He made all the women crazy, everyone:

a la del panadero que cerraba la tienda los martes para....

The baker's wife who closed the store on Tuesday to...

a la del notario una santa que nunca había faltado a su marido ni con el pensamiento

The lawyer's wife, a saint who never betrayed his husband nor with the thought

y la viuda del concejal, que no llevaba luto porque no le sentaba bien el negro

And the Councillor's widow, who didn't mourn because wearing black didn't suit her

a todas y a mí, hasta que un día....

Everyone, and me, until one day...

Llegó una americana, perdió la Tramontana

An American woman arrived, she lost her head

y le propuso irse a Hollywood

and proposed him to go to Hollywood

porque ahí tu serás el más guapo galán,

because there you'll be the most handsome beau

le repetía ya sin respirar

she repeated without a breath

Con que gran emoción, todas en la estación

With great emotion, everyone at the station

sacamos los pañuelos en el adiós

we drew the napkins in the goodbye

y rezamos por él por que viera también

and we prayed for him to see

América rendida a sus pies

America surrendered at his feet

y cuando allá llegó a todas les gustó.

and when he got there, everyone liked him

Ya llega Gigi l´amoroso,

Here comes Gigi l'amoroso,

por donde va con su mirar hace caricias

wherever he goes gives caresses with his look

Gigi l´amoroso,

Gigi l'amoroso,

conquistador y seductor repartiendo delicias

womanizer and seducer sharing delights

Pues nada mas llegar ya les cantó:

As soon as he arrived he sang to them:

Zazar, Luna caprese, O sole mio

Zazà, Luna Caprese, O' sole mio

Mucho tiempo pasó desde que se marchó

Much time passed since he left

no news son buenas news se llegó a decir

they even said that no news are good news

nuestra vida cambio la alegría se fue

Our life has changed, the joy was gone

vivimos solo por sobrevivir.

we live just for surviving

Y a pesar de saber que está lejos de aquí

And despite we know he's far away from here

a veces nos parecer oír su voz

sometimes we seem to hear his voice

y un suspiro también que nos llega de ahí

and also a sigh coming from there

volando en su nostálgica canción

flying in his nostalgic song

Conquistador y seductor con sus caricias

Womanizer and seducer with his caresses

ay Gigi...

Oh Gigi...

¿Gigi estas ahí escondido?,

Gigi, are you hiding there?

¿no te ha ido bien por allá eh?

It didn't go well over there... eh?

Pero Gigi que pensabas llegar a caso a ser Gigi el americano,

But Gigi, were you thinking of becoming Gigi the american?

ma Gigi a quién se le ocurre,

But Gigi, who thinks of that?

tú eres Giuseppe Fabrizio Luca Santini y eres napolitano.

You are Giuseppe Fabrizio Luca Santini and you are Neapolitan!

Corleone che a arrivato Gigi, che a arrivato Gigi dall´America

Corleone, Gigi has come, Gigi has come from America

¿Oyes, les oyes Gigi?,

Do you hear, you hear Gigi?

es tu público, no te vayas están todos aquí,

It's your crowd, don't go, everyone are here,

han debido reconocerte en la estación,

They must have recognized you at the station!

Gigi canta, canta Gigi canta para ellos,

Gigi, sing, sing Gigi sing for them

canta para mí, que no he sabido nunca mas que hablar.

sing for me, that I've never been able to do anything but talk

Venga, canta eso Gigi, eso bravo.

Go, sing that Gigi, that Bravo

Ya llega Gigi l´amoroso,

Here comes Gigi l'amoroso,

por donde va con su mirar hace caricias

wherever he goes gives caresses with his look

Gigi l´amoroso,

Gigi l'amoroso,

conquistador y seductor repartiendo delicias

womanizer and seducer sharing delights

Pues nada mas llegar ya les cantó:

As soon as he arrived he sang to them:

Zazar, Luna caprese, O sole mio

Zazà, Luna Caprese, O' sole mio

Carmela lo sai che a arrivato Gigi dall´America

Carmela I know Gigi arrived from America

Rosalina senti che a arrivato Gigi da Hollywood

Rosalina hear that Gigi arrived from Hollywood

Te lo dico io, ma si non mi credi

I tell you, if you don't believe me

Ya llega Gigi l´amoroso,

Here comes Gigi l'amoroso,

por donde va con su mirar hace caricias

wherever he goes gives caresses with his look

Gigi l´amoroso,

Gigi l'amoroso,

conquistador y seductor repartiendo delicias

womanizer and seducer sharing delights

Pues nada mas llegar ya les cantó:

As soon as he arrived he sang to them:

Zazar, Luna caprese, O sole mio

Zazà, Luna Caprese, O' sole mio

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