Translation of the song Plus loin que la terre artist Dalida
Plus loin que la terre
Much Further Than the Earth
Il vient de plus loin que la terre.
He comes from much further than the earth.
Sa vie est un mystère, mais il sait me plaire.
His life is a mystery, but he knows how to please me.
Jamais, même dans un sourire,
Never, even in a smile,
il n'a voulu me dire ce que je désire.
did he want to tell me what I want to hear.
C'est lui qui vient dans tous mes rêves
He's the one who comes in all my dreams
se pencher sur mes lèvres quand la nuit s'achève.
to hover over my lips as the night comes to an end.
Malgré ses manières étranges,
Despite his strange ways,
il est beau comme un ange quand il me regarde.
he is as beautiful as an angel when he gazes at me.
Dites-moi s'il faut que j'aime
Tell me if I must feel love
d'un grand amour celui qui vient de loin?
for a great love who comes from far away?
De si loin que je ne sais plus rien.
From so far away that I no longer know anything.
Mais bien plus loin que la terre,
But, much further than the earth,
je voudrais qu'il m'emporte comme une feuille morte.
I would like him to take me away like a dead leaf.
Un jour quand il m'aura comprise,
One day, when he will have understood me,
je voudrais qu'il me dise des mots qui me grisent—
I would like him to tell me words that intoxicate me—
des mots qui me grisent—
words that intoxicate me—
des mots qui me grisent...
words that intoxicate me ...