Translation of the song Sa grande passion artist Dalida


Sa grande passion

English translation

Her Great Love

Ma meilleure amie—c'est çà la vie—

My best friend—that's the way it goes—

me dit hier soir qu'elle est venue me voir

told me last night that she came to see me

pour me dire qu'elle aime enfin.

to tell me that she finally has fallen in love.

Elle m'a dit le nom de sa grande passion.

She told me the name of her great love.

Elle me parlait et je l'écoutais.

She spoke to me and I listened carefully to her.

Elle disait qu'elle lui plaisait beaucoup—

She said she was very much loved by him—

qu'ils s'aimaient tous deux comme des fous.

that they were in love madly and hopelessly.

Elle m'a dit le nom de sa grande passion.

She told me the name of her great love.

Moi, j'avais les larmes aux yeux quand elle parlait.

For my part, I had tears in my eyes when she spoke.

Elle est partie en me disant adieu

She left me by saying adieu

et j'entends encore les mots qu'elle me disait,

and I still hear the words that she said to me,

mais je ne peux faire pour elle que pleurer.

but I can only cry for her.

Car l'autre jour, ce monsieur-là,

Because the other day, that gentleman,

j'étais entre ses bras.

I was the one in his arms.

Il me jurait que j'étais son seul amour.

He swore to me that I was his only love.

Je savais le nom de sa grande passion.

I knew the name of her great love.

Moi, j'avais les larmes aux yeux quand elle parlait.

For my part, I had tears in my eyes when she spoke.

Elle est partie en me disant adieu

She left me by saying adieu

et j'entends encore les mots qu'elle me disait,

and I still hear the words that she said to me,

mais je ne peux faire pour elle que pleurer.

but I can only cry for her.

Car l'autre jour, entre ses bras,

Because the other day, in his arms,

il m'a juré cent fois, ce monsieur-là,

he swore to me a hundred times, that gentleman,

que j'étais son seul amour.

that I was his only love.

Je savais le nom de sa grande passion—

I knew the name of her great love—

et c'était le même qui disait je t'aime—

and it was the same one who said to me I love you —

et c'était le même qui disait je t'aime—

and it was the same one who said to me I love you —

et c'était le même qui disait je t'aime...

and it was the same one who said to me I love you...

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