Translation of the song Salma ya salama (Version française) artist Dalida


Salma ya salama (Version française)

English translation

Salma Ya Salama

Un homme des sables

A man of the sands

Des plaines sans arbres

From treeless plains

S’en va de son pays

He leaves his country

Au-delà des dunes

Beyond the dunes

Сourir la fortune

Running for fortune

Car le paradis pour lui

Because paradise for him

Ce n’est qu’un jardin

Is nothing but a garden

Sous la pluie

Below the rain

Salma ya salama

Salma ya salama

Je te salue ya salama

I greet you ya salama

Salma ya salama

Salma ya salama

Je reviendrai bessalama

I'll come back bessalama

Mais l’homme des sables

But the man of the sands

Pour faire le voyage

To take the trip

N’a que l’espoir au cœur

Has nothing but hope in his heart

Un jour il arrive

One day he comes

Il touche la rive

He touches the seashore

Il voit devant lui des fleurs

He sees flowers in front of him

La grande rivière du bonheur

The great river of happiness

Salma ya salama

Salma ya salama

Je te salue ya salama

I greet you ya salama

Salma ya salama

Salma ya salama

Je reviendrai bessalama

I'll come back bessalama

C’était un mirage

It was a mirage

Il n’y avait pas de rivière

There was no river

Et la bonne et riche

And the good and rich

et douce terre

And sweet earth

N’était que du sable

Was nothing but sand

Il reprend sa course

He takes his path again

Vers une autre source

Towards another source

Il finira par trouver

He will not stop finding

Le puits de la liberté

The wells of freedom

Salma ya salama

Salma ya salama

Je te salue ya salama

I greet you ya salama

Salma ya salama

Salma ya salama

Je reviendrai bessalama

I'll come back bessalama

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