Translation of the song Si j'avais des millions artist Dalida
Si j'avais des millions
If I Had Millions
Si j'avais des millions,
If I had millions,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom,
tout le jour à bidi, bidi, boom,
all day long in bidi, bidi, boom,
ah, si j'étais cousu d'or.
ah, if I were made of gold.
Je travaillerais moins fort,
I would not work much,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom,
si j'avais quelques mini-millions—
if I had some mini-millions—
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, bon.
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, bon.
Je bâtirais en pleine ville une maison,
I would build a house in the middle of the city,
haute avec des chambres sans compter,
very high with countless rooms,
avec un toit de tuiles et du vrai parquet.
with a tile roof and real parquet wood floors.
Un escalier fait pour monter,
One staircase meant for going up,
l'autre pour descendre,
another meant for going down,
un troisième encore
and a third again
rien que pour agrémenter le décor.
just to augment the décor.
Je me vois d'ici
I would find myself there
très à l'aise en femme de riche,
very comfortable as a wealthy woman,
essayant de tendre le cou,
trying to raise her status,
relevant et montant qu'en thèse un poids de bijoux.
rising and climbing in theory by the weight of my jewels.
Goûtant les plats, surveillant tout,
Tasting the cuisine, supervising everything,
houspillant les bonnes,
scolding the maids,
et fière comme un paon dirigeant la maison,
and proud as a peacock running the house,
tambour battant.
beating my own drum.
Si j'avais des millions,
If I had millions,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom,
tout le jour à bidi, bidi, boom,
all day long in bidi, bidi, boom,
ah, si j'étais cousu d'or.
ah, if I were made of gold.
Je travaillerais moins fort,
I would not work much,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom.
Dieu Puissant, toi qui es éternel,
Mighty God, you who are eternal,
tu pourrais faire un petit effort.
you might make a small effort on my behalf.
Ça changerait quoi du haut du ciel
What would it change in the heights of Heaven
qu'enfin je sois cousu d'or?
if I were finally made of gold?