Translation of the song Tenía 18 años artist Dalida
Tenía 18 años
He was 18 years old
La tarde que le conocí,
The evening I met him
él acababa de cumplir
he had just
18 años.
turned 18.
Era verano claro está,
It was summer, of course
y yo empezaba ya a soñar
and I was starting to dream
con mi pasado.
of my past.
Ante un espejo le fingí
In front of a mirror I pretended
que maquillaba mi nariz
I was making up my nose
para mirarle.
to look at him.
Cuando me vi tan cerca de él
When I saw I was so close to him,
habría dado no sé qué
I'd have given anything
por conquistarle.
to win him.
Me sonrió con intención
He smiled intentionally at me
y fue su edad la explicación
and his age was the reason
de su victoria.
of his victory.
No quiso hablarme del amor,
He didn’t want to speak of love to me
pues según él esa cuestión
because for him this point
es otra historia.
is another matter.
Me dijo: Tú me vas muy bien,
He told me: “You’re okay for me,
eres igual que la mujer
you’re just like the wife
de 'El Graduado'.
of “The Sergeant”.
Yo no le pude resistir
I couldn’t resist him
y entre sus brazos descubrí
and in his arms I discovered
un sol dorado.
a golden sun.
Dieciocho años nada más
Eighteen years, no more:
eso le hizo ser audaz
this made him more daring
mas que insolente.
than insolent.
Cuando llegué a despertar
When I could wake up,
solo sentí la soledad
I only felt an indifferent
Por un momento pretendí
For a moment I pretended
en retenerlo junto a mí,
to keep him close to me,
pero no quise.
but I didn’t really want.
Me dijo: No has estado mal
He told me: “You were not too bad”
con un candor tan infernal,
with a hell of candor,
antes de irse.
before leaving.
Entonces tuve que fingir
Then I had to pretend
que maquillaba mi nariz,
I was making up my nose
para no verle
not to see him,
y estuve a punto de olvidar
and I was about to forget
que yo le doblaba
that I was twice
la edad.
his age.