Translation of the song Vado via artist Dalida
Vado via
I Am Leaving
Je sais que c'est dur de partir mais je m'en vais.
I know it is hard to part but I am leaving.
Cette fois je te jure que c'est vrai.
This time I swear to you that it is true.
Je ne veux plus rester.
I do not want to stay anymore.
Cent fois j'ai voulu te quitter,
A hundred times, I wanted to end it with you,
et puis cent fois, je n'ai pas eu la force de partir.
and then, a hundred times, I did not have the strength to part.
J'avais trop peur de voir la vie sans toi.
I was too scared to envision a life without you.
C'est fini!
It's over!
Vado via, vado via—je m'en vais.
I go my way, I go away—I am leaving.
Je dois m'en aller.
I have to go away.
Vivre, je veux vivre, être libre, et poursuivre tous mes rêves,
To live, I want to live, to be free, and to pursue all of my dreams,
comme au temps où je croyais encore
like the time when I still believed
à l'arc en ciel qui vient après la pluie.
in the rainbow that follows the rain.
C'est fini!
It's over!
Vado via, vado via—je m'en vais.
I go my way, I go away—I am leaving.
Je dois m'en aller.
I have to go away.
Donne—donne-moi le courage qui pardonne
Offer—give me the courage that forgives
tout le mal que l'on a pu se faire,
all the harm that could have been done,
et laisse moi vivre ma vie sans toi.
and let me live my life without you.
C'est fini!
It's over!
Vado via, vado via—je m'en vais.
I go my way, I go away—I am leaving.
Je dois m'en aller.
I have to go away.
Vado, vado via, adesso che posso ti lascio—
I am going, I go my way, now that I can I leave you—
adesso che posso ti lascio—
now that I can leave you—
vado via.
I am leaving.