Translation of the song Познају сви Хуаниту [Everyone Knows Juanita] artist Coco (OST)
Познају сви Хуаниту [Everyone Knows Juanita]
Everyone knows Juanita
Već poznata svud Huanita
Juanita is already well-known everywhere
Sa očima u dve boje
With eyes of two different colors
Sa zubalom, krivom vilicom
With a broken tooth, crooked jaw
Njene... šake do zemlje su njoj
Her...fists are to the ground
(To su pogrešne reči, ima ovde dece)
(Those are the wrong words, there's children here)
Frizura joj k'o metla
Her hair's like a broom
K'o bure da jahala je
She rode like the wind
I da sam mrvicu lepši
And if I were just a bit better looking
Tad možda bi pitala me
Then maybe she'd ask me