የዘመመን ልታቀና
To lift up the bent down,
ልትፋለም ከደመና
About to fight with the clouds,
ተልኮ አለህ የሚያበራ
You have a vision that shines,
መፍቻው ቁልፉ ሁሌም ስራ
The opening key is to always work.
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ስራ ስራ ስራ ስራ ስራ...
Work, work, work, work, work...
ማን አስቦ ስለ ስኬት
Who thought about success,
ግድ ሰጥቶት ለኔ ስሜት
Who cared for my emotions,
ስያዞርብኝ ሥር ከላዬ
When it spun above and below me,
ድል ነሳሁዋቸው በስራዬ
I defeated them with my work.
ለመስራት አትስነፍ ሳትሰራ አትረፍ
Don't be lazy to work, don't rest without working,
የመጣውን ሰርተክ ችግርን አሳልፍ
Work what comes to overcome problems,
ተዓምር ቢመጣ ከሰው እጅ አመንትፍ
Even with miracles, avoid others' hands.
ከራስ በላይ ነፋስ ነው
Wind is above heads,
ተረቱን የሚለው (ሚለው)
Is what the story says(says)
መሄጃው ባይታወቅም
Even if the destination is not known,
መያዝ ግን መልካም ነው (መልካም)
Its good to have it in control(control).
በለው ስራ በለው Hustle
Come on work, come on Hustle,
አምጣው በቼክ አምጠው በእሥር
Bring it from checks, bring it from imprisonment,
መሬት ቧጠክ ላብክ ፈሶ
Scratch the ground, your sweat pouring,
የትም ገብተክ ካገር ወጥተክ
Wherever you get in, getting out of the country,
ቢዘገይም ቢያደክምክ ላይችል አይሰጥ
Even if it's late, if it tires you, if it can't give you,
ብቻ ራስን ማራቅ ነው በባዶ ከሚያቅራራ
Just distance yourself from those who whine without reason,
መላ ቁልፍን እስክትይዝ አንገትክን ደፍተክ
Till you hold the solving key, bend your neck and work.
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ስራ ስራ ስራ ስራ ስራ
Work, work, work, work, work
መቼን ላትመለስ
Unable to replace when,
ከዚህ ስትል ከዚያ
Being here and there,
በእድሜ መቀለድ
Clowning on your age,
መለኛ ሁን አብሰልስለው
Be smarter, think it through,
ከየት ገብቼ ከየት ላምጣው
Where should I go, how should I get it,
ምን ሰርቼ ምን ላትርፍ
What should I work, what should I profit,
ቀላል ምርጫ ቤት ልለፍ
How should I avoid shortcuts?
ሁልም ሚያምረው ስትሰር
It's always prettier when you work,
በራስክ ስኬት ስትኮራ
When you're proud of your own success,
ደፍረክ ተወጣው አትፍራ
Overcome it bravely, don't be afraid,
ሌላውን ማየት አደራ
To entrust not looking at others.
አራዳ ከሆንክ በል ልፋ
If you are smart, go hustle,
ለራስ ለቤትክ በል ስራ
For you, for your home, go work
ለሰው ይሁን ላንተ
For others or for you,
ላንተ ይሁን ለሰው
For you or for others,
መላማ መልካም ነው
Plan, of course, is good
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ
Push, strive, eat.
መቼም ቢሆን ተስፋ አትቁረጥ
Never ever give up,
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ... ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ
Push, strive, eat... push, strive, eat.
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ
Push, strive, eat.
መቼም ቢሆን ተስፋ አትቁረጥ
Never ever give up,
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ
Push, strive, eat.
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ስራ ስራ ስራ ስራ ስራ
Work work work work
ሰርተክ እንድትበላ ፈጣሪ ልኮህ
God sending you to eat after your work,
የህይወትን ማንነት ትልምም ሰጥቶክ
After giving identity to life and its target,
ማሰብ ማስተዋልን ፍቅርን አድሎክ
Blessing you with intelligence, observance and love,
ሰውነክ ብሎ ሁልንም ስጥቶ
After giving you all by saying you're human,
ሰርተክ እንድትበላ ፈጣሪ ልኮህ
God sending you to eat after your work,
የህይወትን ማንነት ትልምም ሰጥቶክ
After giving identity to life and its target,
ማሰብ ማስተዋልን ፍቅርን አድሎክ
Blessing you with intelligence, observance and love,
ሰውነክ ብሎ ሁልንም ስጥቶ
After giving you all by saying you're human,
እይ ወደ ቀኝ
Look to your right,
እይ ወደ ግራ
Look to your left,
ሁልን የዘራው ያጨዳል በተራ
Everyone harvests what they sow.
አትይ ወደ ታች
Don't look down,
አመስግን እና ተቀበል ሲሳይ (አይ)
Thank and accept the fortune(une)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ስራ ስራ ስራ ስራ ስራ
Work, work, work, work.
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ጥረህ ግረህ ብላ (ብላ)
Push, strive, eat (eat)
ስራ ስራ ስራ ስራ ስራ
Work, work, work, work.