Translation of the song Mostarska artist Adnan Jakupović
Ispod tvoga bagrema je hlad
Under your Acacia tree it is cool
zaklanja ti kuću, a ja momak mlad
I guard your house, I am a
tek stigoh u tvoj grad
young man
Iza mene vinograd osta
Behind me the vineyard remains
zlatno sunce, godina dosta
Golden sun, (there are many) years
al' ta ljubav košta
But that love comes with a price
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Da mi je da te upoznam
Let me get to know you
odvedem sebi u Mostar
I will take you to Mostar
zaljubićeš se u njeg'
You will fall in love with it
i ostat kraj mene
And in the end stay with me
Iza mene mati osta
Behind me I leave my mom
hladna rijeka drugova dosta
A cold river and my friends
al' ta ljubav košta
But the love comes with a price
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Skupit ću zvjezde u buket
I’ll collect the stars into a bouquet
i tebi na vrata donijet
And I’ll bring it to your door
priznala mene il' ne
Admittedly or not
ja ne odustajem
I will not leave