Translation of the song Best Ed Opening (Portuguese) artist Best Ed (OST)


Best Ed Opening (Portuguese)

English translation

Best Ed Opening

O Ed é o cão e o Buddy o esquilo

Ed is a dog and Buddy is the squirrel

Vivem numa casa num lugar muito tranquilo

They live in a house in a very peaceful place

O Ed tem um excelente acordar

Ed has an excellent awakening

E dá o seu melhor pr'a o dia funcionar

And he gives his best for the day to work out

Companheiros e amigos pr'a tudo

Companions and friends for everything

Companheiros e amigos pr'a tudo

Companions and friends for everything

Do despertar até ao deitar

From waking up until going to sleep

Companheiros e amigos pr'a tudo

Companions and friends for everything

Já viste alguma vez um esquilo falar?

Have you ever seen a squirrel talk?

Prepara-te pras aventuras de pasmar

Prepare yourself with adventures that'll make you amazed

Com o Ed e com o Buddy vais te divertir

With Ed and Buddy, you'll have fun

Vais ter um mundo novo para descobrir

You'll have a new world to discover

Companheiros e amigos pr'a tudo

Companions and friends for everything

Companheiros e amigos pr'a tudo

Companions and friends for everything

Do despertar até ao deitar

From waking up until going to sleep

Companheiros e amigos pr'a tudo

Companions and friends for everything

Companheiros e amigos pr'a tudo!

Companions and friends for everything!

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