Translation of the song جواباتي artist Warda Al-Jazairia



English translation

My letters

مترجعليش جوباتى الا ومعاها حياتى

Don't give me back my letters ,only with my life

وامالى وروحى وقلبي

My hopes my soul and my heart

ودموعى وابتساماتى

My tears and my smiles

دول مع بعض انت واخدهم ياترجعهم ياتسبهم

You took them together, if you give them back to me or leave them

مترجعليش جواباتى الاومعاها حياتى

Don't give me back my letters only with my life

كان املى تخلى الذكرى حلوة مش صعبه ومره

I was hoping that you keep our memories sweet but not hard and bad

كان املى تخلى فراقنا اسهل قوى من اللى بيجرا

I was hoping that you let our seperation be more easier than what's happening now

بس انت اخترت خصامي ولا يوم بترد سلامى

But you have chosen controversy and you don't reply to my salutation

وبدات تعيش ايامك وانت مضيع ايامى

Now you are living your days and you are wasting mine

دول مع بعض انت واخدهم ياترجعهم ياتسبهم

You took them together, if you give them back to me or leave them

مترجعليش جوباتى الا ومعاها حياتى

Don't give me back my letters ,only with my life

شوف حتى ازاى فى فراقنا انا لسه بعيش اشوقنا

Look even in our seperation im still living our longing

وانت بتتخلص منها وكأنها نار تحرقنا

And you are getting rid of it like its fire burning us

جوباتى اوعى ترجعها بابتسمتها و دموعها

Don't give back my letters with its smiles and tears

و ان يوم حبيت من تانى ابقى انسانى وقطعها

And if one day you fall in love again, forget me and cut them

دول مع بعض انت واخدهم ياترجعهم ياتسبهم

You took them together, if you give them back to me or leave them

مترجعليش جوباتى الا ومعهاحياتى

Don't give me back my letters ,only with my life

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