Translation of the song مستحيل artist Warda Al-Jazairia



English translation


مستحيل ده مستحيل لو عملت المستحيل

Impossible! It's impossible, even if you did the impossible.

هو جرحي كان شوية ولا دمعي ودمي ميه

Was my wound something little? Or were my tears and blood like water?

ولا أنا قاسيت قليل ..

Or did I suffer little?

بعد عمايلك أنا إشتاقلك متهيألك

After your actions - I long for you? You wish!

مستحيل .. مستحيل لو عملت المستحيل

Impossible! Impossible, even if you did the impossible.

إتمنيت أسهر أيامي وأنام أحلامي بين أحضانك

I wished to spend my days sleepless and sleep my dreams between your embraces.

وإستنيت يصحى لي ضميرك ويصحي عطفك وحنانك

And I waited that your conscience may wake up, and awake with it your kindness and tenderness.

إستنيت بحنيني وحبي وأملي ويأسي

I waited with my longing, my love, my hope and my despair.

كنت بحبك حب ما صدقتوش أنا نفسي

I loved you a love even I couldn't believe!

كنت أسمعلك دقت بابي قبل ما توصل عند الباب

I used to hear you knocking on my door before you'd reach the door.

كانت الفرحة معاك طايرة بي قبل سمانا ما تبقى سحاب

Happiness used to fly with me before our sky turned to clouds.

كنت حياتي .. عمري .. وروحي .. خليتني أمشي أكلم روحي

You were my life, my time, my soul... You had me wandering and talking to myself.

هو جرحي كان شوية ولا دمعي ودمي ميه

Was my wound something little? Or were my tears and blood like water?

ولا أنا قاسيت قليل ..

Or did I suffer little?

بعد عمايلك أنا إشتاقلك متهيألك

After your actions - I long for you? You wish!

مستحيل .. مستحيل لو عملت المستحيل

Impossible! Impossible, even if you did the impossible.

جاي تقول معلش خلاص وتكلمني عن الإخلاص

You come now telling me it's done, it's okay, and you speak to me about sincerity!

وتبكي ليه وليك عين تبكي وتلومني

Why do you cry? And how audacious of you to cry and blame me?

لأول مرة أشوف القسوة تبكي

For the first time I can see cruelty itself crying.

وتشكي مني بعد ده كله يا ظالمني

And you complain about me after all of what's happened, O you wrong me!

لأول مرة أشوف الظلم يشكي

For the first time I can see injustice itself complaining.

كلام سمعته كتير أيام ما كنت بأغير

Words I've heard so often, back in the days when I used to be jealous over you

وأغضب وتنده لي م الفرحة قلبي يطير

And if I was angry and you called out to me, my heart would fly from joy.

كنت وحيدي وكنت وحيدك

You were my only and I was your only.

ضعنا إحنا الإثنين من إيدك

We've both gotten lost from your hands.

هو جرحى كان شوية ولا دمعي ودمى ميه

Was my wound something little? Or were my tears and blood like water?

ولا أنا قاسيت قليل ..

Or did I suffer little?

بعد عمايلك أنا إشتاقلك متهيألك

After your actions - I long for you? You wish!

مستحيل .. مستحيل لو عملت المستحيل

Impossible! Impossible, even if you did the impossible.

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