Translation of the song مليت من الغربه artist Warda Al-Jazairia
مليت من الغربه
I am sick of feeling like a foreigner
مليت انا مليت من الغربه .. وتعبت من الترحال
I am sick, sick I tell you, of feeling like a foreigner... and I'm tired of voyaging
وقسيت حياه صعبه .. وقضيت ليالي طوال
I have endured a hard life... and I have spent many a night
من غير حبايبنا .. ايه يسوا تغريبنا
Without our loved ones... what good is our estrangement
وإن كان معانا المال .. دا حنا في غربتنا
Even if we've got money... we're still away from home
لو لحظه تعبتنا .. بتبان همومنا جبال
If for one moment we feel tired... our troubles seem like mountains
مـلـيـت انـا مـلـيـت مـن الغـربـه
I am sick, sick I tell you, of feeling like a foreigner
الحلم خذنا معاه .. وسفرنا على دنياه
Our dream took us away with him... made us travel with him to his world
وصحينا يوم لقيناه وهم وسراب
And we woke up one day only to find out he was a delusion and a mirage all along
من غير حبايبنا .. ايه يسوا تغريبنا
Without our loved ones... what good is our estrangement
وإن كان معانا المال .. داحنا في غربتنا
Even if we've got money... we're still away from home
لو لحظه تعبتنا .. بتبان همومنا جبال
If for one moment we feel tired... our troubles seem like mountains
مـلـيـت انـا مـلـيـت مـن الغـربـه
I am sick, sick I tell you, of feeling like a foreigner
ملناش هنا احباب .. مين يعشق الأغراب
We have no loved ones here... who would love a foreigner
إلا اللي لو أسباب .. مهما حلف او قال
For whatever reason in the world... no matter what they say
من غير حبايبنا .. إيه يسوا تغريبنا
Without our loved ones... what good is our estrangement
وإن كان معانا المال .. داحنا في غربتنا
Even if we've got money... we're still away from home
لو لحظه تعبتنا .. بتبان همومنا جبال
If for one moment we feel tired... our troubles seem like mountains
مـلـيـت انـا مـلـيـت مـن الغـربـه
I am sick, sick I tell you, of feeling like a foreigner
آن الأوان يا زمان .. نرجع على الأوطان
The time has finally come... to go back to the homeland
ونخذها بالأحضان .. دا البعد عنها ظلال
Take it into our bosom... for being far from it is darkness
من غير حبايبنا .. ايه يسوا تغريبنا
Without our loved ones... what good is our estrangement
وإن كان معانا المال .. داحنا في غربتنا
Even if we've got money... we're still away from home
لو لحظه تعبتنا .. بتبان همومنا جبال
If for one moment we feel tired... our troubles seem like mountains
مـلـيـت انـا مـلـيـت مـن الغـربـه
I am sick, sick I tell you, of feeling like a foreigner