Translation of the song ياحبيبي لا تقل لي artist Warda Al-Jazairia


ياحبيبي لا تقل لي

English translation

My love don't tell me

لا تقل لى ضاع حبى من يدى يا حبيبى انت امسى وغدى

Do not tell me my love has gone lost from my hands, O my love, you are my yesterday and my tomorrow.

فترفق لا تحطم معبدى ان فى عينيك همس الموعد

So be gentle, do not demolish my temple. Indeed, in your eyes is the whisper of the appointment.

لا تدعنى اشتكى طول الطريق ثم اغفو فوق وهم كالحريق

Do not leave me complaining throughout the journey, only to drowse off upon an illusion like a fire.

كغريق مستجير بغريق ان قلبى بعدما ذاق الرحيق لا يفيق

Like a drowned one calling a drowned one for help. Verily my heart, after tasting the nectar, never does awake.

يا حبيبى

O my love.

كم ملئنا زورق الليل حنينا وتلاقينا به حينا فحينا

How much did we fill the boat of the night with longing, and how often did we meet in it every now and then,

وملئنا مصغر القلب رنينا فنمت اشواقه الخضراء فينا

and fill the heart's flowerbed with resonance, until it's green yearnings blossomed within us.

يا حبيبى اين احلامى اين هل أضعنا كل شيء من يدينا

My love, where are my dreams, where? Have we let everything slip from our hands?

بعد ان جن اللظا فى شفتينا لا علينا ان ظمئنا فارتوينا وانتشينا

After the flames blazed in our lips, what is wrong if after we thirsted we drank until exuberance?

يا حبيبي

O my love.

عد وعانق لهفة القلب الجريئا فالمصابيح على دربى مضيئة

Return and embrace the heart's bold desire, for the lamps upon my path are illuminated.

عد فأيامى باحلامى هنيئة وهوانا كان فى الغيب مشيئة

Return, for my days are by my dreams joyous, and our love was in the unseen a will decreed.

أم رأيت الهجر دلا واقتدارا فتناسيت ليالينا السكارى

Or did you consider my abandonment a flirtation and an empowerment, so you forgot our drunken nights,

وغراما يملأ العمر اخضرار

and a passion that filled life with verdure,

فإذا الحب الذي غنى النهارا صار نارا

so that the love that once sang the day turned to fire.

يا حبيبي

O my love.

يا حبيبي لاتقل كنا وكانا لم يهن حبى ولا حبك هانا

O my love do not say we were and that was... My love has not become worthless and nor has yours.

كم ظمئنا فتلاقت شفتانا وسكتنا فتناجت مقلتانا

How often did we become thirsty and so our lips met, and if we fell silent our eyes engaged in dialogue.

قد نما الحب بنا فى نظرتين وامتزجنا فرحة لا فرحتين

Love grew within us after only two glances, and we blended two joys not one.

وافترقنا فاحترقنا شعلتين ثم سرنا فى الليالى دمعتين اثنتين

And when we parted we burned in two flames, and then we walked through the night as two tears.


O my love.

آه آه من قلب باشواقك غنى فوق اغصان الليالى فاطمئنا

Ah, ah from a heart that sang your longings upon the branches of the night until it found peace,

وحكى للّيل ما كانا وكناوتمنى النجم نجواه فغنى

and narrated to the night what was and what we were, and the star wished to hear its call and so it sang.

ومضى الليل وما حان رواحى

And the night passed and my time of departure did not yet come.

فانثنى يطوى على الحب جناح

So it turned around and folded my wings over my love.

ودنا الفجر فأطلقت مراحى

Then the dawn approached so I set off in return,

ثم اخفيت دموعى وجراحى عن صباحى

then I concealed my tears and wounds from my morning.

يا حبيبي

O my love.

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