Translation of the song Die Katz (die is zurick komm') artist German Folk

German (central dialects)

Die Katz (die is zurick komm')

English translation

The Cat (has returned)

De Schorsch Pit vom Kohlhof hatt e Katz gehadd

Schorsch Pit from the Kohlhof had a cat,

Er konnt se nemmer leide, er war se eefach satt

He didn't like her anymore, he was just fed up with her

Do hadd er se em Cousin gebb, der wollt no Amerika

So he gave her her to his cousin who was emigrating to America

Doch die Katz, die is zurick komm' mit Miau und Hurra

But the cat returned with a big Meaow and Horray!



Aber die Katz, die is zurick komm, grad am negschde Tag

But the cat has returned, right on the next day

Die Katz, die is zurick komm, es war e hadder Schlag

The cat has returned, it was hard to take

Die Katz, die is zurick komm und alles war umsonscht gewe'n.

The cat has returned, and all the efforts were in vain

Da hadd er se 'em Klään gebb, e Sandstään noch dezu,

So he gave her to his little son, and a sandstone to his hand

Saad: Hol se mit uff die Saar! Pack se mit in dei Kanu!

Said: Take her to the Saar!1 Put her in your canoe!

E Sääl um de Hals gebunn' unn se in die Saar geschmiss'!

Tie a rope around her neck and throw her into the Saar!

Jetzt suche se uff de ganze Saar wo der arm' Bub unnergang is.

Now they're searching the whole river for the place where the poor boy has drowned



De Nachbar vum Eck saad: Ich baller se kaputt!

The neighbor from the corner said: I shoot her into pieces!

Er hadd aach glei sei Flint gelad mit Näschel, Schrot un Schutt

Quickly he loaded his rifle with nails, pellets and debris

Er hat gewaad un gewaad, so een, oder zwee Stund,

He waited and waited, for an hour or for two

Nur die Fetze vom Nachbarn hat mer noch gefund'.

All they found that was left of him was tattered pieces



Die Atombomb is gefalle un die H-Bomb hinnerher,

They have dropped the atom bomb, and the H-bomb right after it

Was eine Vernichtung von hier bis iwwers Meer,

Such a destruction from here to overseas

England kaputt, Frankreich kaputt, sogar die gut alt Saar,

England destroyed, France destroyed, even the good old Saar

Die ganze Welt im Eemer und das an eenem Tag

The whole world down the drain in just one single day



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