Inima nu ma asculta, tu de altfel nici atat.
My heart doesn't listen to me, though it listens to you even less
Pierduta intr-o cursa a timpului cand te-am avut.
Lost in a course of time when I had you.
Si ceva nu-mi da voie sa fac pasi,
And something doesn't allow me to take steps,
Eu raman la noi iar tu ne lasi
I remain with us, but you're leaving us behind
Atunci cand nu vreau sa te uit tot ce fac e sa te iubesc mai mult.
When I don't want to forget you, all I do is love you all the more.
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi si-ai mers inainte.
You turned my clock back and you moved on
Cum sa fac sa te intorc, sa-ti aduc aminte.
How can I make myself return to you, remind you
Stau si vorbesc iar cu Luna
I stay and talk with the moon again
Ii spun despre tine intr-una.
I tell it about you all the time.
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi si-ai mers inainte..
You turned my clock back and you moved on
M-ai lasat intr-o poza cu noi de pe hol
You left me in a picture with us in the hall
M-am intors in timp sa zambesc
I went back in time to smile
Ma uit pe perete in gol
I look blankly at walls
Si te caut in rama dar nu te gasesc.
And I look for you in the frame, but I can't find you.
Si ceva nu-mi da voie sa fac pasi
And something doesn't allow me to take steps,
Eu am ramas in noi dar tu ai ales sa ne lasi.
I remain with us, but you're leaving us behind
Atunci cand vreau sa te uit imi aduc aminte cat te iubesc.
When I don't want to forget you, all I do is love you all the more.
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi si-ai mers inainte.
You turned my clock back and you moved on
Cum sa fac sa te intorc, sa-ti aduc aminte.
How can I make myself return to you, remind you
Stau si vorbesc iar cu Luna
I stay and talk with the moon again
Ii spun despre tine intr-una.
I tell it about you all the time.
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi si-ai mers inainte..
You turned my clock back and you moved on
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi si-ai mers inainte.
You turned my clock back and you moved on
Cum sa fac sa te intorc, sa-ti aduc aminte.
How can I make myself return to you, remind you
Stau si vorbesc iar cu Luna
I stay and talk with the moon again
Ii spun despre tine intr-una.
I tell it about you all the time.
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi si-ai mers inainte...
You turned my clock back and you moved on